Pulse Rates

We have a data set with the pulses (heart rate, beats per minute) for 130 subjects. Can we fit a normal distribution to these values?

## # A tibble: 6 x 3
##    temp sex      hr
##   <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
## 1  96.3 Male     70
## 2  96.7 Male     71
## 3  96.9 Male     74
## 4  97   Male     80
## 5  97.1 Male     73
## 6  97.1 Male     75
ggplot(data = pulses, mapping = aes(x = hr)) +
  geom_histogram(bins = 15)

To make the plots easier to think about, suppose we only had 5 subjects.

pulses_5 <- pulses %>% slice(1:5) %>% arrange(hr)
## # A tibble: 5 x 3
##    temp sex      hr
##   <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
## 1  96.3 Male     70
## 2  96.7 Male     71
## 3  97.1 Male     73
## 4  96.9 Male     74
## 5  97   Male     80
ggplot(data = pulses_5) +
  geom_point(mapping = aes(x = hr, y = 0)) +
  ylim(c(0, 1))

Our Model

Let \(X_i\) be the heart rate for subject number \(i\). We adopt the model that these random variables are i.i.d. with

\(X_i \sim \text{Normal}(\mu, \sigma)\)

Joint Probability Density if \(X_i \sim \text{Normal}(73, 4^2)\)

Individual probability densities are calculated as:

\[f(x_i | \mu = 73, \sigma = 4) = (2 \pi 4^2)^{\frac{-1}{2}} \exp\left[ \frac{-1}{2 \cdot 4^2} (x_i - 73)^2 \right]\]

For example, our first observation has \(x_1 = 70\):

\[f(70 | \mu = 73, \sigma = 4) = (2 \pi 4^2)^{\frac{-1}{2}} \exp\left[ \frac{-1}{2 \cdot 4^2} (70 - 73)^2 \right]\]

In R, for all 5 observations this is calculated as:

dnorm(pulses_5$hr, mean = 73, sd = 4)
## [1] 0.07528436 0.08801633 0.09973557 0.09666703 0.02156933

The joint probability density is calculated as:

\[f(x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4, x_5 | \mu = 73, \sigma = 4) = \prod_{i = 1}^5f(x_i | \mu = 73, \sigma = 4) = \prod_{i = 1}^5 (2 \pi 4^2)^{\frac{-1}{2}} \exp\left[ \frac{-1}{2 \cdot 4^2} (x_i - 73)^2 \right]\]

In R, this is calculated as:

dnorm(pulses_5$hr, mean = 73, sd = 4) %>% prod()
## [1] 1.377949e-06

Joint Probability Density for 3 Candidate Sets of Parameter Values

Parameter Set 1: \(X_i \sim \text{Normal}(73, 4^2)\)

Parameter Set 2: \(X_i \sim \text{Normal}(73, 2^2)\)

Parameter Set 3: \(X_i \sim \text{Normal}(76, 4^2)\)

dnorm(pulses_5$hr, mean = 73, sd = 4) %>% prod()
## [1] 1.377949e-06
dnorm(pulses_5$hr, mean = 73, sd = 2) %>% prod()
## [1] 1.200415e-07
dnorm(pulses_5$hr, mean = 76, sd = 4) %>% prod()
## [1] 5.926484e-07

Plots of the likelihood function

Here’s a 3d plot of the likelihood function. It’s a surface since we have 2 parameters, \(\mu\) and \(\sigma\).

Here’s the log-likelihood:

Maximum Likelihood Estimates

The maximum likelihood estimators for the model parameters are

\[\hat{\mu}_{MLE} = \bar{X} = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i = 1}^n X_i\]

\[\hat{\sigma}_{MLE} = \sqrt{\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i = 1}^n (X_i - \bar{X})^2}\]

For a particular data set we can calculate the maximum likelihood estimates:

mle_est <- data.frame(
  mu = mean(pulses_5$hr),
  sigma = sqrt(mean((pulses_5$hr - mean(pulses_5$hr))^2))

##     mu    sigma
## 1 73.6 3.498571

Full Data Set

How do the above pictures change if we use the full data set instead of 5 observations?

Here’s a 3d (?) plot of the likelihood function. It really is a surface since we have 2 parameters, \(\mu\) and \(\sigma\).

Here’s the probability of the data at the maximum likelihood parameter estimates:

mu_hat <- mean(pulses$hr)
sigma_hat <- sqrt(mean((pulses$hr - mean(pulses$hr))^2))
dnorm(pulses$hr, mean = mu_hat, sd = sigma_hat)
##   [1] 0.049155402 0.052504069 0.056676751 0.038272758 0.056378019
##   [6] 0.055837320 0.028565851 0.021654840 0.045099738 0.049155402
##  [11] 0.040550971 0.054959042 0.047296636 0.049155402 0.055837320
##  [16] 0.056676751 0.045099738 0.056378019 0.051007873 0.004609139
##  [21] 0.056378019 0.026111380 0.056676751 0.053909915 0.054959042
##  [26] 0.047296636 0.052504069 0.056676751 0.035731642 0.021654840
##  [31] 0.047296636 0.056378019 0.035731642 0.030855257 0.021654840
##  [36] 0.052504069 0.054959042 0.012486930 0.054959042 0.040550971
##  [41] 0.049155402 0.028565851 0.019665386 0.040550971 0.052504069
##  [46] 0.051007873 0.047296636 0.023942119 0.030855257 0.049155402
##  [51] 0.028565851 0.056378019 0.047296636 0.047296636 0.033400750
##  [56] 0.047296636 0.038272758 0.055837320 0.042978155 0.033400750
##  [61] 0.052504069 0.023942119 0.017599672 0.049155402 0.055837320
##  [66] 0.045099738 0.014017762 0.055837320 0.030855257 0.040550971
##  [71] 0.003318305 0.010941510 0.019665386 0.010941510 0.051007873
##  [76] 0.014017762 0.052504069 0.040550971 0.045099738 0.042978155
##  [81] 0.053909915 0.009653149 0.047296636 0.056378019 0.005429615
##  [86] 0.033400750 0.056378019 0.021654840 0.026111380 0.056378019
##  [91] 0.045099738 0.003318305 0.042978155 0.047296636 0.038272758
##  [96] 0.042978155 0.033400750 0.056378019 0.056676751 0.019665386
## [101] 0.023942119 0.028565851 0.015829487 0.012486930 0.051007873
## [106] 0.054959042 0.042978155 0.006274048 0.021654840 0.026111380
## [111] 0.028565851 0.021654840 0.049155402 0.023942119 0.005429615
## [116] 0.045099738 0.056378019 0.019665386 0.053909915 0.042978155
## [121] 0.033400750 0.038272758 0.056676751 0.051007873 0.030855257
## [126] 0.040550971 0.051007873 0.042978155 0.047296636 0.051007873
dnorm(pulses$hr, mean = mu_hat, sd = sigma_hat) %>% prod()
## [1] 5.571059e-191

Finally, here is the log-likelihood function: